Sustainable Custom Printed Paper Cups

Sustainable Custom Printed Paper Cups

How CupPrint Became a Pioneer in Sustainable Custom Printed Paper Cup Practice CupPrint values eco-friendly initiatives – both in our processes and in our product. To-go paper coffee cups have been big news, especially if they’re not truly recyclable. Future-ready and focused on doing our part in bringing sustainability to an industry that needs more…

Minister Breen’s Visit Marks More Jobs, Manufacturing and Our Commitment to Sustainability

Minister Breen’s Visit Marks More Jobs, Manufacturing and Our Commitment to Sustainability

Minister Breen’s Visit Marks More Jobs, More Manufacturing, and Our Commitment to Sustainability In November, Minister of State for Trade, Employment, Business, EU Digital Single Market, and Data Protection, Pat Breen, TD, visited CupPrint’s head office and main manufacturing facility in Ennis, Ireland. During his visit, Minister Breen spoke about the company’s several recent groundbreaking…

How our Printed Paper Cup Company is Recycling an old Auto Plant and Promoting a Hard-Working Community

How our Printed Paper Cup Company is Recycling an old Auto Plant and Promoting a Hard-Working Community

New – a fresh start, a clean slate. We like new, but we also savor the history of the hard work of those who came before us – the innovators, inventors, and risk takers. So, we find it fitting that our new U.S. office is situated amongst antiquity. We take pride in working in the…

paper coffee cup art

Best of News Round-Up from the Coffee Biz – Nov 17

Welcome to the latest snippets from the crazy world of coffee cups and cafe society! Yes, coffee cup and coffee shop lovers can be quirky. You have been warned Wanna follow something cool in Instagram? We recommend Coffee Cups of the World by Henry Hargreaves. And, because paper coffee cups are an artform, would you…


Our Story of Bringing the CupPrint Company Culture to the USA

After launching CupPrint in the USA following such success in Europe, it’s time to reflect back on the last year or so on this awesome journey. The US market definitely has different inclinitations in terms of product styles and taste in designs compared to Europe. Europe vs. The USA – Paper Cup Market Comparisons In Europe the…

Cupprint - Why We Love Our Job

Living and Breathing Cup Designs – Why We Love Our Job

We live and breathe cup printing and cool designs. Here’s why. Custom disposable coffee cups are one of the best forms of advertising for any business, brand, or event. Supporting the artists and grassroots enterprises You’d think that a hot cup printer like us would be obsessed with hunting down business from the traditional large…

Coffee Cup Sleeves - why you don't need them

Printing Paper Coffee Cup FAQs

Each day we’re asked a lot of cup printing questions! From our unique paper cup printing processes and possibilities (there are very few limitations!) to recycling, safety qualities – and more. Here’s a selection of questions and answers on the most-asked topics. Are the cups recyclable? Paper cups are not generally considered fully recyclable. This…

Coffee Cup Sleeves - why you don't need them

Coffee Cup Sleeves – Why You Don’t Need Them!

Coffee cup sleeves offer a branding opportunity – but they’re also, quite literally, hiding one too. Not to mention costing you money you don’t need to spend. Okay, we’re biased because we custom print both single and double wall coffee cups here in Europe. But double wall disposable coffee cups are a smarter, more economical…